I Have a Solution

Secret private Federal Reserve operation

Submitted by Admin on

Amazingly, one of the mysteries of our generations dating back over one hundred years is how a private cabal of non-government business guys can actually be given a status that is clearly above the law. How can an entire generation accept slavery under the authority of men who can and should be arrested, tried and imprisoned for life? How can a private entity tell the government what to do, lie, cheat, steal, even create money out of thin air and then charge the government interest without real consequences. How can they pull this off even in the age of information and the Internet? The question is as amazing and mind-blowing a question as there is. I don't know the answer to this and I don't know anyone who does. We know all about the private illegal creation of the Federal Reserve and we know all about their illegal banking schemes whose termination could heal all of humanity with one stroke of a pen, yet no one dares act upon this. That is, except John F. Kennedy - and we know what happened to him. Without a doubt the Federal Reserve banking scheme and collectively the global banking scheme to include the IMF, BIS and World Bank makes my list of the top threats to humanity. These bankers are the ones profiting from both sides of all wars. The magnitude of this issue goes beyond the spectrum of this article but suffice to say this is one of the major issues humanity needs to confront.